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Current projects

  1. Towards accurate prediction of spin-state energetics for transition metal complexes in quantum-chemical calculations (2018–2023), SONATA grant from National Science Center, Poland; No. 2017/26/D/ST4/00774. Principal investigator: dr hab. Mariusz Radoń.

  2. Mixed-linker MOFs for chemosensors with photoluminescent and electrical response (2020–2024), OPUS grant from National Science Centre, Poland; No. UMO-2019/29/B/ST5/00328, 1320000 PLN. Principal investigator: prof. dr hab. Dariusz Matoga

  3. Multifunctional metal-organic frameworks based on hydrazone or tetrazine linkages: synthesis and applications (2019-2023). Diamond Grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; No. 0170/DIA/2019/48. Principal investigator: mgr Damian Jędrzejowski.

Completed projects

  1. Kompleksy wanadu – innowacyjne metalofarmaceutyki w leczeniu cukrzycy (2007–2013)
    Project in the frame of Operational Program Innovative Economy, carried out jointly with Collegium Medicum JU.
    Principal investigator: dr Ryszard Gryboś.

  2. Centra metali przejściowych: struktura elektronowa, oddziaływania metal – ligand, właściwości magnetyczne (2012–2014), Iuventus Plus grant from Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
    Principal investigator: dr Mariusz Radoń.

  3. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on polytopic hydrazone ligands: synthesis, structure and physicochemical properties (2013–2016), OPUS grant from National Science Centre, Poland. Grant no. UMO-2012/07/B/ST5/00904, 399600 PLN. Principal investigator: dr. hab. Dariusz Matoga.

  4. In search of proton-conducting MOFs with mechanochemical approach (2016–2019), OPUS grant from National Science Centre, Poland. Grant no. UMO-2015/17/B/ST5/01190, 1150000 PLN. Principal investigator: dr hab. Dariusz Matoga, prof. UJ.

  5. Synthesis of mixed-linker Zn-MOFs and Cd-MOFs based on acylhydrazones and dicarboxylates (2018–2019), ETIUDA grant from National Science Centre, Poland; grant no. 2018/28/T/ST5/00333. Principal Investigator: mgr Kornel Roztocki.

Pariticipation in EU projects

  1. COST action CM1305 "Explicit Control Over Spin-states in Technology and Biochemistry, ECOSTBio" (2014-2018), chair: prof. Marcel Swart (Univ. Girona)
    participant: dr Mariusz Radon

  2. COST action CA18112 "Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry (Mech@SustInd)" Member of the management committee: dr hab. Dariusz Matoga, prof. UJ